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Brian Butterfield Restaurant Bot

[retired] Saturday is Treat Day. CALL NOW!!1

The grumpy teenagers at Brian Butterfield's London Underground at Rush Hour-themed restaurant have been making Sport Ball Bon Bon Bon Bons and Decorative Plastic Exercise Men endlessly just for you.

This evening at Brian Butterfield's Mythology-themed Restaurant the Garlic Pudding are fit for human consumption.

The servants at Brian Butterfield's Geography-themed restaurant have been making Mystery Meat and Potato Grids relentlessly just for you.

The grumpy teenagers at Brian Butterfield's Hospital-themed restaurant have been making Poor Man's Football, Sports Pizza, and Nutty Nut-Nuts relentlessly just for you.

The kitchen gremlins at Brian Butterfield's Mathematics-themed restaurant have been making Shrunken Cods, Poor Man's Football, and Mystery Meat all day just for you.