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Brian Butterfield Restaurant Bot

[retired] Saturday is Treat Day. CALL NOW!!1

Pop in to my Queuing for the Toilet-themed restaurant and partake of loads of Poor Man's Football, Pizza, and Energy Boxes.

This evening's specials are Chocolate Quail's Eggs so pop in to my Voting Tory in Secret-themed restaurant: its legally considered to be food!

This evening at Brian Butterfield's Airport Security Queue-themed Restaurant the Pasta Pillows are fit for human consumption.

You simply must visit my Airport Security Queue-themed restaurant and consume oodles of Varacose-Vein Cheese, Egg 'n' Ham Slabs, and Pasta Pillows.

Today at Brian Butterfield's The Great Depression-themed Restaurant the Fluffy Ruffs and Shrunken Cods are tolerable.